SIMBOLIK HAJI Studi Deskripptif Analitik Pada Orang Bugis Oleh Prof. Dr. A. Agustang, M.Si Abstract As stated by berger, hajj as religious practice is attached to cultural context and meaning dialecticism. The difference of hajj symvol as cultural product construction from other laid on its transcedence and its religious dimension. Its cultural meaning has also changed overtime. This change can be looked on the newly hajj interpretation which has diviaced from its true meaning written in islmaic text, and implicated to the current Buginesse community social and ciltural practice and inter relation. As the symbol of hajj relatively attached more the female hajj, the number of female hajj, as its implication, is more higher than male hajj. Key words: hajj, symbolic meaning. PENDAHULUAN Minat dan semangat orang bugis untuk naik haji tergolong cukup tinggi. Tingginya angka jemaah haji umumnya digunakan sebagai indikasi dari dua hal penting. Pertama , ...